I have often seen that many people (usually men) are reluctant to shower as if some mystic good luck will be washed away if they so do it. There is nothing magical about being dirty and faul smelling excpet for keeping you lonely. Hey, if that's what you want then I'm not going to judge you, just have a good job trying to find work later in the future. Taking showers not only helps others around you enjoy you more, but it acatully helps you physcially as well. Now, does this mean shower every hour. No, once a day is perfectly fine. Your goal should be one of two things. Either be able to cancel out your bad smells so they smell nothing, or over do good smells so that is what they smell. There needs to be a balance. Putting on too much product that smell or too powerful of it will do the same as making people think you're dirty. Just make sure that you shower at least every other day if you can't do it everyday.
Raise your hand if you don't usually wash your hands after using the restroom. If you did rasise your hand then stop it. No one wants to shake dirty hands, even if they don't know it, you'll be spreading disease and sickness like the cold or flu. It gives people comfort knowing that you're a clean person. Not like a germaphoba, but you take the time to care for not only your health, but other people's health.
Have you ever seen people with really long nails that are dirty. Now think, do you respect or admire those people. Maybe, maybe not, but you would at the least a lot more if they're took care of their hands. This doesn't mean making your hands look as good as possible, no, it really just means to cut your nails when they get too long. A good rule of thumb, (pun very much intended) is to flip your hands around with your backhands on the table or in the air, so you see your palms. If you can see your nails clearly even when your hands are flat, then others will see that too which means that it's time to to cut them. Your finger nails are scientifically proven to be dirtier than a toilet seat, so, make sure to cut and clean them.
Your head is one of the things people look at most, espcially with first impressions. So, one of the things that is always most apprenret (whether you have a lot or none) is hair. Now, does this means using product every half a second or getting your hair just right. No, what I'm trying to say is that you should make it look like you at least try to keep your hair undercontrol or is clean. Just brushing your hair and showering can compltely clean out your hair of substances or materials that you don't wish to be in it. Just make sure it doesn't look like your just got out of bed.6>