A list of Common Knowledge you should know:

  1. Remember names for they are the sweetest sound to someone's ears in any language.
  2. Learn from other's mistakes before you make it yourself.
  3. The most valuable noun is friends.
  4. Never put too much of your trust into one source.
  5. Make your friens rich and your enemies rich, and see which is which.
  6. Reputation is everything.
  7. Always make a good impression.
  8. Leave people better off than when they started.
  9. Give those around you sincere compliments.
  1. Time is your most presious possesion, use it with care.
  2. Work in the dark, silence is your most powerful ally.
  3. Friends will always come a go except yourself.
  4. Willpower equities to true power.
  5. It's always harder to create than destroy.
  6. Nothing is every original.
  7. Define your life before it defines you.
  8. Having a clear goal should be your goal.
  1. Always say "Thank you".
  2. When late say, "I appreciate your patience".
  3. When given the opportunity to do good, take it.
  4. Putting down others only puts you down socially.
  5. Think before you speak.
  6. Never give away a gift in front of the person who gave it to you.